Wig and Scalp Care with Amani
Amani specializes in designing the most comfortable and secure human hair wigs. In order to maintain the best grip and comfort for you wig here are a few best practices.
You want to keep the silicone of your wig clean and dry. After a long day of work, meetings, kids, exercise and all the duties of life make sure you incorporate this healthy practice into your daily routine.
Wash the silicone perimeter of your Amani wig with a cloth, warm water, and a mild shampoo. This will get rid of any added oils, dirt, and dead skin cells that build up throughout the day.
Also, don’t forget about your scalp! Next time you shower make sure you give that silicone a base a clean and apply scalp exfoliator to that beautiful head of yours.
Here is an Amani approved daily routine :
1. Always apply exfoliator to wet skin, so exfoliating in the shower or bath is best.
2. Never use a body exfoliator on your scalp, they are too harsh; opt for a facial exfoliator to use.
3. Apply exfoliator to your scalp and gently rub in circular motions to get rid of dead skin cells.
4. Make sure you rest well
5. Make sure to love yourself! “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.”
6. Why toner?
“Toners are most helpful and necessary for people with oily or acne-prone skin, or for people who want extra cleansing after wearing makeup or other heavy skin products such as sunscreen.”First thing in the morning make sure to give your scalp lit wipe of skin toner to get rid of excess oils that build up over the that good.
7. Lastly, you can apply a small amount of baby powder to keep your head nice and dry!
Please feel free to contact Newport Hair Loss Center with any other questions you may have about with wig and hair care! We’d love to hear from you.
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240 Newport Center Drive, Suite 111
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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San Diego, CA 92122
Newport Hair Loss Center gives hair loss sufferers a way to restore their appearance and boost their confidence, whether they are suffering from trichotillomania, alopecia, or are currently going through chemotherapy.
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