Hair Thinning Women Hair Thinning Women

Hair Thinning Women


Hair loss occurs in around forty percent of women. Hair loss is typically thought of as a problem that affects mostly males, but it occurs in both men and women. If you don’t lose your hair completely you will experience some form of hair loss or thinning during your lifetime. Other causes of hair loss can be associated with stress or genetic disorders such as alopecia or trichotillomania.


What Causes Hair Loss in Women

According to WebMD “The best way to think of the way hair grows is to picture a garden. How well it grows is completely a result of what is happening “underground.”

“Like a garden, a normal hair cycle should lead to a product, which is the hair,” says Wendy Roberts, MD, a dermatologist at a private practice in Rancho Mirage, Calif. “Growth cycles are important because when they go awry, that is one of the reasons we have hair loss.”

And things that interfere with the cycle — like medication, illness, infection, or chemicals — have the potential to stop hair from being formed properly.”


Read More About What Causes Hair Loss

Post-COVID Hair Loss

Lichen Planopilaris Hair Loss


What should you do if you are experiencing hair thinning?

There are many actions you can take to prevent and treat hair loss.  Always make sure to take care of your hair and scalp with high-quality products. Amani’s product line has the best hair care ingredients on the market. You can find them here. Never brush wet hair and avoid drying your hair off with a towel. Putting stress on your hair can lead to traction alopecia. This is where you were to lose hair because it is being put under stress. Hairstyles like ponytails and braids are a common factor of traction alopecia. Eat foods that are high in protein like meat and dish to keep your hair looking healthy and vibrant.

Hair loss or hair thinning is something that will happen to everyone at some point. The severity of it depends a lot on your own biology. Make sure you consult with a hairstylist that specializes in human hair wigs and extensions if you begin to experience hair loss.


Stop Hair Thinning

The clock is always against you when it comes to hair loss or hair thinning. Stress, aging, diet, and many other factors can lead to hair loss. Let’s face it, hair loss is not an easy thing to come to grips with. Here are a few tips on how to slow down hair loss!



Always use conditioner.

Damaged hair equals brittle hair which is weaker and more likely to thin.


Get rid of that high ponytail.

High ponytails or any hairstyle that causes stress on your hair follicles can lead to traction alopecia.


Eat more protein.

Healthy proteins like fish, red meat, and eggs can help keep your hair healthy.


Look after your scalp and don’t let it get dry!

Once the cheap solution is pure coconut oil. Apply it before bed and wash it out in the morning.


Test for vitamin deficiencies and have your Thyroid checked.

Vitamins B12 and Vitamin D are vitamin deficiencies most commonly linked to hair loss.


Increase your iron.

Vegetarianism, heavy periods, and excessive exercise can cause low iron levels which is one of the most common causes of hair loss in younger women.


Make sure to have a healthy lifestyle.

If you haven’t noticed there’s been a theme to NHLC’s posts and that is a healthy lifestyle!

Hair Loss, Reasons, Solutions & Use of Human Hair Wigs


Can dandruff cause hair loss?

If your hair is thinning and you have a bad case of dandruff, you may be wondering if dandruff is actually causing the hair loss or if there is a connection?

Well, the good news is it’s not! Hair loss and dandruff are unrelated. The bad news is that you still have to treat dandruff.

Dandruff is the result of an overgrowth of skin cells that make the scalp itchy and flaky. Drier conditions can irritate your skin and your dandruff can worsen. In comparison, male pattern baldness and hair loss is a  genetic condition that affects hair follicles and results in receding hairlines and complete hair loss in some cases. Alopecia is also a medical condition that can result in hair loss as well.


How to treat dandruff

Dandruff is not considered a sign of poor health or indicates that something may be seriously wrong. Dandruff is a bothersome aspect of a dry and unhealthy scalp.

  • Dry skin
  • A yeast-like fungus
  • Microbes
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Seborrheic dermatitis


In most cases, dandruff is brought on by dry skin, fungus, or microbes. You can treat dandruff by washing your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo. In more severe cases like eczema or psoriasis, you would need to consult your doctor and pursue a more aggressive form of treatment.


So why is dandruff and hair thinning a common myth?

Many men and women will experience varying degrees of dandruff throughout their lives. As people get older they will experience some level of hair thinning or hair loss depending on their genetics. In later years it can be common that dandruff and hair loss become issues around the same time leading people to draw the conclusion that they are related in some way. Taking care of your scalp with the proper hair products, exfoliation, and hygiene can prevent dandruff and hair loss.

Tips for Healthy Hair & Scalp


If you want your hair to have more length and volume than you should consider treating your scalp properly.  Beautiful hair starts at the roots so make sure you are paying attention to your scalp!



If you want your those locks looking longer, fuller, and healthier make sure you are getting enough of these crucial vitamins. Look for a supplement or regiment made for hair, nails, and skin that contains biotin, silica, vitamins B, C, and E, iron, and omega-3.


You are what you eat

You should be getting most of your vitamins and minerals from a healthy diet! If you notice that you have a dry scalp be sure to incorporate more fish oils and omega threes into your diet. Vegans should focus on a diet that contains enough protein and iron for healthy hair.


Watch how often you color your hair

Coloring your hair too often can lead to permanent hair damage. When you get your hair colored does it tingle? If your hair is tingling this could indicate scalp problems. If your scalp is dry it will only get worse over time which can lead to dandruff, inflammation, unhealthy hair follicles, and potentially hair loss.


Exfoliate your scalp

You need to exfoliate your scalp! Traditionally more importance is placed on exfoliating your face and skin, but the scalp needs attention too. Try adding a couple of teaspoons of sugar to your shampoo to help get rid of dead skin cells and exfoliate your scalp.


Use Conditioner

Many women are afraid to use conditioner on their scalp because they’re afraid of clogging their pours; however, just make sure your conditioner is non-comedogenic so that you can actually use it from roots to ends. You might also want to try a drop of Morrocan Oil with your conditioner as well!



Middle Age and Hair Loss


Fifty percent of women will experience some form of hair loss or thinning before the age of 50, which often is exacerbated by menopause. Your hormones that support hair growth begin to change.

According to Healthline.com, “Research suggests that hair loss during menopause is the result of a hormonal imbalance. Specifically, it’s related to a lowered production of estrogen and progesterone. … In some cases, however, these hormones can cause more hair to grow on the face.”


Slow down hair thinning with a few best practices


  1. Don’t wear your hair so tightly and make sure that you let your hair down throughout the day.
  2. Dry brush your hair at night or before you go into the shower. Make sure you do this gently and it will help to extract shedding hairs
  3. Wash your hair more often! It’s a misconception that too much washing causes a further loss for women. Washing your hair will help get out those shedding hairs and each time you won’t feel like you’ve lost so much hair.
  4. Maintain the hair that you have on your head by using the correct hair loss products for your hair. Make sure to talk to your stylist and hair loss expert to make sure you are using the best products.

Hair can mat up and tangle quickly with shed hairs trapped inside with the rest of your hair. Make sure you are carefully removing dead hair and gently exfoliating your scalp. Proper hair care makes all the difference when it comes to combating hair loss.



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Newport Hair Loss Center gives hair loss sufferers a way to restore their appearance and boost their confidence, whether they are suffering from trichotillomania, alopecia, or are currently going through chemotherapy.

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